Month: November 2020

A Lot with a Little

Published / by Dean Eland

The title of Tim Costello’s 2019 autobiography A Lot with a Little prompted me to document stories of churches who partner with others in their neighbourhood. Their contribution to building stronger communities is often achieved by a few who respond creatively to the challenge of social change and remain committed over many years.

The Port Adelaide Uniting Church (PAUC) is one place where this is evident. With a congregation of about 50 members and no full-time minister for the past 20 or more years, lay members have demonstrated how to be creative in sharing gifts and skills and in being generous with their resources. There are at least eight specific ways this congregation expresses their love of neighbourhood, the place where they are located.  Founded 170 years ago this church has adapted its ministry in response to population trends and economic ups and downs over the years and that commitment continues.

In the past two years they have reworked the ministry of their CK Community Hub (CK), a shop-front at 160 St Vincent St (Bower Buildings 1870-1). This street ministry started in 1981 as a low-cost café provided a haven and a listening ear for people in need. The CK remains one of the few experiential church-based community innovations of the 70s and 80s to survive over the years. The hub operates as a community centre and provides a place of welcome for residents. Its aims include… a welcome to all: to actively find and work with local people: to make real friendships and grow together: to be a place where people can stop and talk about daily things or more important things.

Volunteers at the CK Community Hub have a heart for welcoming people with disadvantage (e.g. mental health issues), encouraging them to take on responsibility as appropriate, fostering self-esteem, skills, growth and friendship. We welcome people to be involved in an integrated community program where people can get to know each other and support each other. Those of us who volunteer here are very conscious of also being vulnerable listeners and learners and not always the ‘doers’.

The people who come are encouraged to set and review the norms: the values and behaviours by which we interact with each other. They regularly choose projects. Last year the group chose a watercolour and mosaic project and applied successfully to the local council to fund a local artist and materials. New people from the community joined us to participate in the project and we exhibited in SALA. This project like many others has enabled people to learn new skills, take on a range of responsibilities and welcome new people.

There are other regular CK programs and these include a community meal, exercise and walking groups. Email:

Bent Pine Community Garden

A recent project led by a few volunteers has led to the formation of a community garden in the church’s backyard. A fragile bent pine tree at the entrance gives the garden its name. The tree is a reminder of welcome, reminding all about the possibility that we can grow and dare to flourish with others even with our asymmetries and flaws.

We fossick in the dark, composted soil, planting and tending both flowers and vegetables; we recycle and compost organic waste which we find in our own space as well as that which we receive from two local cafes; and we talk with each other and with those who pass by. We try to create a beautiful green space in an otherwise concretized urban landscape.

Working on site at 169 Commercial Rd brings us into natural contact with our neighbours. There is greeting and sharing of fresh produce as those passing by call in and work with us.

The Bent Pine garden is also a member of The Semaphore Compost Network (SCN). SCN is like an extension of our neighbourhood. We are encouraged by what our neighbours and fellow community members are doing. We share experiences and food. And we learn from what others are doing. Together with the SCN we discover in our focus on the shared, common soil, the value of that which holds us together as a community in a larger environment otherwise characterized by polarization.

150th Anniversary Mural

One of several outstanding on-site church art projects is on public view on a neighbouring wall. This creative work continues to build on some particularly challenging moments when the 150-year-old two story heritage listed building and site needed imaginative adaptation and major restoration work.

This public art project was created when PAUC and local community members came together to design and paint a large vibrant mural adjacent to the Bent Pine Community Garden. The project was a feature of the 150th anniversary celebrations of the opening of the building and expresses the symbols and memories of the local environment, a sense of place to be celebrated. Using Mark 4: 31-32 as a starting point, the theme of Bent Pine became ‘Sanctuary’.

On two consecutive Saturday mornings open planning meetings designed the project with local flora, fauna with the bent pine tree in mind. The primary images include a great tree with roots into the ground (Psalm 1) by a stream (Tam ‘O Shanter Creek). Other images include beautiful flora and fauna, birds, reptiles, mammals, flowers, butterflies and bees that are seen along the Port River. Local totems of the Kaurna people include the black swan and emu.

A generous grant from City of Port Adelaide Enfield enabled the church to employ local artists Kalyna Mycenko and Bob Daly and they assisted by transferring our designs on to the wall in November 2018. Brave volunteers then spent two weeks painting using a scaffold and over forty painters, aged four to ninety old, included passers-by and visitors who read about it on Facebook and came to paint or watch. The mural is a significant contribution to the ongoing ‘Wonder Walls’ project in the Port Adelaide centre.

In addition to these creative projects’ members have maintained their long-term support for the Junction Community Centre at Ottoway. This community-based organisation has been able to grow a seven-day open house programme and brings residents together to share their many religious and ethnic traditions.

Members also keep in touch with the expansive UnitingSA agency, now one of the state’s largest community service organisations. In 2019 UnitingSA celebrated 100 years of church engagement in a changing community.

PAUC also has strong links with the Port Adelaide Historical Society. Over the past 50 years the society has played an important part in supporting the efforts of local and state governments to ensure that Port Adelaide centre becomes a historic tourist destination.  Check out their great photographic collection at

Not to be outdone in 2017 members welcomed and provided hospitality to a new congregation. The City International Christian Church shares the use of their sanctuary on Sundays and at other times. This independent congregation in the charismatic tradition is largely made up of immigrants from African nations with links to home churches in Tanzania.

The congregation meets each Sunday for worship at 9.00am and week day groups meet to support and encourage members to live out their vision… Port Uniting is an inclusive community and as Jesus welcomed and valued everyone, so do we. We believe that every person is important, and everybody matters. Our worship seeks to be a creative, vibrant experience, for all ages, and inviting to people from all walks of life.

The Morning Tea Club meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 10am and this session includes a range of activities including table games, jigsaws, draughts, scrabble, drawing and painting. In the winter, its Soup and Toast at 12noon before they return home. A Craft Group meets on the second and fourth Tuesday each month and members include both church and community residents. A Playgroup meets every Tuesday morning during school terms for babies and children up to 5 including carers and parents. Bible Study groups meet on Sunday nights during the seasons of Advent and Lent.

Thank you to Liz, Anne, Joan, Val, Norm and the two Ian’s for sharing your story.

Socio-historical Habitat as Partners in Discernment

Published / by Dean Eland

Sunday by Sunday the stories of faith and freedom are the rock-solid foundations we build on. Gathered in community members experience forgiveness, are reconciled, learn to live in peace and to love God and neighbour. The narratives we draw on are our lineage, ancestors in faith who composed songlines found in the stories we draw on week by week. Our task is to discover what this means in our context.  Discoveries about future directions result from the dialogue we have between those who have been there before and the realties we grapple with day by day.

The names and stories we share were grounded in particular moments of time and place.  They tell us something of the environments, situations and events of the day, life changing moments when people of faith lived out their calling, not bound to the past but walking the pilgrim way.

And this is the challenge for us also. Being part of the family of faith we are called to discern our own response to the settings, the contexts we find ourselves in. We live out the good news as a people on the way, working with universal, recurring themes and convictions and interpreting these in relation our times and places.

Places, urban or rural, poor and rich, are host communities and these life events are integral to our calling.  By implication congregation narratives express who we are, what we do and where we are. Purpose and directions are expressed through being missional in all we do, pastoral ministry, liturgical creativity and through the stewardship of our resources.

In articulating a commitment to host communities, Schreiter suggests that “the description of the environment is not something extrinsic to the theological process but is deeply part of it” (Schreiter 1998:26).  Theological reflection involves “naming the praxis” and becomes the basis for descriptive theology (Browning 1983:31).

When congregations discover their narrative and match it with sacred texts and heritage, the process itself reshapes identity and forms strategies for the future (Schreiter 1998:38).  In creating a local contextual theology congregations are “brought to the truth about our situation and ourselves and through this we are open to hear the gospel anew”. (Roxburgh 1997:59).

Local public theology practices express and demonstrate convictions.  They arise out of a process of reflection, engagement and dialogue with surrounding culture, a genuine give and take where the world is permitted to speak for itself (Hall 1991:79).  Hall suggests that in creating a social vision, congregations will discover their socio-historical habitat not only as a field to be investigated but partners in discernment and therefore a contributor to the theological task itself.

Browning, Don S. ed. 1983. Practical Theology: the emerging field in theology, church and world. San Francisco. Harper & Row.

Hall, Douglas John. 1991. Thinking the Faith. Minneapolis. Fortress Press.

Roxburgh, Alan J. 1997, The Missionary Congregation, Leadership, and Liminality. Harrisburg. Trinity Press International.

Schreiter, R. 1998. Theology in the Congregation: Discovering and Doing, in Nancy T. Ammerman, et. al. Studying Congregations: a New Handbook. Nashville. Abingdon Press.