Hard Quiz

Published / by Dean Eland

Mission Partners in the Urban Setting 2017

Hard Quiz!

Here is a quiz for you… name the UCA churches in SA where the following programs and events are integral to their life and mission, places where members witness and serve in urban settings.

Poets’ corner, Mary’s Kitchen, Open Church and the Lounge, Hope café, Sunday night tea, Positive Parenting, campaigns for refugees including Standing with Refugees, English language classes, Circle of Friends, Environmental Action group, community garden, Bush Chapel, Op Shop, School for Seniors, art exhibitions, concerts and recitals, school chaplaincy, community education, art circle, community aid, Friendship Café, Wilks oration, Symposium, life planning conversations, community market, Hungry Hare café, bread programme, recognise campaign, playgroups, artist in residence, Goodies op shop, Kids hope, etc.

The above list is just some of the many activities where UC congregations express their commitment to mission in word and deed. This year congregations have the opportunity to listen, celebrate and reflect together on the many community building commitments generated by our gathered life, a rhythm of gathering and scattering, being called and sent.

The Urban Mission Network in partnership with Pilgrim Church and Synod resources are committed to developing the conversation about the nature of community engagement, developing partnerships with others and working for the common good.

The aim of this programme is to empower and encourage one another by telling stories, sharing insights, reflecting together and exploring our local theologies.

Check out with UMNs and Pilgrim Church web sites for stories and the latest news.

For further information contact…Rev Dr Dean Eland at Pilgrim Church djeland@bigpond.com 0419 112 603